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$599.99 CAD

MOREL – MXT280C 2-way crossover / Tweeter adj, bi-amp 2500Hz HP/LP (for Elate Carbon/ Carbon Pro 2-Way)

SKU: MOMXT280C Categories: , ,
Model No: MOMXT280C


If you’re custom-building an Morel Elate Carbon 2-way component system and you’re not using an active crossover, you’ll need an pair of Morel’s MXT280C crossovers. These crossovers ensure that the speakers in your system receive the right frequencies for premium performance. And Morel builds in two levels of tweeter attenuation to control the brightness in your vehicle. Plus, if you have plans to bi-amp or bi-wire your components, Morel lets you do that too.

Additional information

Weight 3.8 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 7 × 4 in




  • pair of passive crossovers networks for Morel Elate Carbon 2-Way components & Elate Carbon Pro 2-Way components
  • designed for use with an 2-way system
  • crossover point: 2,500 Hz at 12 dB per octave
  • bi-wire and bi-amp capable
  • two-level tweeter adjustment (-2dB, +2dB)