H13 DRL DECODER DRL Decoder for H13 LED Bulbs The DRL decoder will be used on the majority of vehicles 2006 and up, when high beams or low beams are used as “DRL” daylight systems activated by the car’s computer. The cars’s computer ensures that the voltage directed to the original bulb is provided by micro pulsation from 0 to 12 volts as shown in the diagram to the left. It is possible to check this micro-pulsation using an oscilloscope. A regular multimeter would not be fast enough to see the reading so it would display an average voltage of 6 volts. REMOVES THE STROBE EFFECT ON LED’S WHEN INSTALLED ON THE DRL’S^ROBUST WATER RESISTANT BOX SUPERIOR TO IP67 STANDARS^STABILIZES THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE TO +/- 2%.^FOR OPTIMUM LIGHTING STABILITY IN “DAY LIGHTS” MODE BY REGULARIZING VOLTAGE AT 12 VOLTS TO AVOID ALL FLICKERING OF HEADLIGHTS.